Historical pricing.

Explore our dynamic interactive chart below where you can define your fuel type and pricing tier to visualize historical rates for a specific heating season under your fuel provider. This invaluable tool aids in comprehending potential savings through membership while identifying trends for rack Plus/Variable rate fuel plans.

Data is best viewed on a tablet or computer.

Click here to open help aid for interactive chart below.


1. Start by selecting your State Average to display on the chart. Some states you can view oil & propane averages. ie: NH-PRO-STATE-AVG = State average paid by residence for propane in NH.

2. Add the fuel plan that corresponds with your usage and provider. ie: AMERGS-PRO-200/499 = AmeriGas Propane Plan with pricing tier based on usage of 200-499 gallons annually.

3. Mouse-over dots on individual line graphs to view pricing within the date range.

4. You may continue to add and remove data sets to view and compare pricing.

Play the video below to see an example.